Death; Miss Michigan 2005, Octavia Reese has died, loved ones mourns

Death; Miss Michigan 2005, Octavia Reese has died, loved ones mourns

Octavia Reese, resident of Orquevaux, Champagne-Ardenne, France has sadly passed away. The one time Miss Michigan 2005 was announced dead on a social media post on May, 16. Octavia was multi talented and skilled in several genres in arts and science. During her lifetime she featured as an entrepreneur, digital health strategist, author, artist, cellist, dancer and a loving mom.

Details surrounding the cause of her death was not disclosed as at the time of this publication.

About Octavia Reese

Octavia Reese lived at the nexus of humanitarianism, creativity, and data analysis. Here, she reinvented possibilities and provide compassionate, human-centered solutions to challenges that arise in the healthcare system. In addition, she was a single mother, author, artist, and cellist.

Octavia Reese as MHI

She held a Master of Science in Healthcare Informatics Administration from Northwestern University and work as a strategist for digital health care solutions. She looked at datasets to find ways to enhance patient outcomes, stop budget leaks, lower physician error, and boost user engagement.

Octavia Reese as a Cellist

As a cellist with classical training, she had almost thirty years of traditional education, mostly from the Suzuki method. She started writing my own music after learning concertos and etudes, and she preferred experimental sound baths. She have traveled to more than 15 countries with international orchestras. She had her musical concentration to lead relaxation sessions in warm, cello-induced sound baths, sometimes known as healing sound baths.

Octavia Reese as an Author

In her young adult sci-fi fantasy novella series, The Hibouleans, she chronicled 14-year-old Taryn’s quest to find a hazardous ancient artifact before it ends up in the wrong hands by delving into family mysteries and piecing together clues. She starts to understand and accept her true existence as a member of the terrible Hiboulean tribe after teaming up with her best friend, her teacher, and—gasp—her uncomfortable crush.

Octavia as an Artist in Residence (AiR)

she was awarded the 2020 Denis Diderot AiR Grant and am currently an Artist in Residence (AiR) at Chateau d’Orquevaux in France. She was scheduled for the May 2023 session, which the epidemic caused to be postponed for three years!

Here, at a studio on a gorgeous estate, she combined her art, music, and storytelling without any interruptions from children, dogs, or other animals.

Additionally, she was accepted to the Mauser EcoHouse artist residency, where she would stay and work in connection with the environment in Costa Rica which started in March 2024. she looked for and recorded natural sounds to utilize in her sound baths, and she was always excited to compile a special collection of Costa Rican sounds to add into her musical compositions.

Octavia Reese as an Artist

She worked as a visual artist and have experimented with NFTs, digital illustration, watercolor, acrylic, and alcohol ink.


Octavia was a charitable and beautiful soul. She always looked at the world from the vantage point of love and ecstasy. She was a great adventurer, with an ever ready attitude to explore the mysteries that life holds. Her quest to make the world around her a better place was befuddling to the minds of many. She was a paragon of excellence, the quintessence of novelty. From the effect she has had on so many people, it quite easy to say that she conquered life.

Octavia will be terribly missed by all who knew her, loved her and respected her. She made a subtle call on everyone in her world to appreciate everything that she represented. Please, put her child and family in your thoughts and prayers as they face this unbearable loss.

Information about the cause of her and obituary will be released by her family at the proper time.

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